Contact Us
- Find Bags of our Coffee @ -
Tiller & Rye - http://www.tillerandrye.com/
20 South Main Street - Brewer, Maine
Natural Living Center - https://naturallivingcenter.net/
209 Longview Drive - Bangor, Maine
Lincolnville General Store - http://www.lincolnvillegeneral.com/
269 Main Street - Lincolnville, Maine
The Crumpet - https://thecrumpet1.com
81 Main Street - Bucksport, Maine
Megunticook Market - http://megunticookmarket.com
2 Gould St. - Camden, Maine 04843
French & Brawn - http://frenchandbrawn.com
1 Elm St, Camden, ME 04843
Unity Shop N Save - http://www.unityshopnsave.com/
34 Plaza Dr. - Unity, Maine
Edwards Brothers Supermarkets
1007 Bar Harbor Rd. - Trenton, Maine 04605
Edwards Brothers Supermarkets
Dover Foxcroft, Maine 04605
Winterport Pizza - https://www.facebook.com/WinterportPizzaOfficialPage/
109 Main Street - Winterport, Maine
Tradewinds - http://www.tradewindsmarkets.com/blue-hill/
15 South Street - Blue Hill, Maine
Wild Cow Creamery - https://www.wildcowcreamery.com/
31 Front Street - Belfast, Maine
Marsh River Coop - https://www.marshrivercoop.org/
5 Veterans Hwy - Brooks, Maine
Treworgy Family Orchards - https://www.treworgyorchards.com/
3876 Union St. - Levant, Maine
Ararat Farm - http://www.araratfarm.com
55 Vancycle Road - Lincolnville, ME.
Anchor ME Farm - http://www.anchormefarm.com
584 Ridge Road - Windsor, Maine
- Find Us @ Local Restaurants and Coffee Shops-
Mason's Brewing Company - http://masonsbrewingcompany.com/
15 Hardy Street - Brewer, Maine
(Serving an exclusive Medium Roast Blend served as hot coffee. Also serving Medium Roast Mountain Stream Decaf.)
Nest - https://www.facebook.com/NestCoffeeOrono/
24 Main Street - Orono, Maine
(Serving Farm House Espresso Blend in all their espresso drinks. Also serving Guatemala Medium Roast in their drip coffee)
The Crumpet - https://thecrumpet1.com
81 Main Street - Bucksport, Maine
Winterport Pizza - https://www.facebook.com/WinterportPizzaOfficialPage/
109 Main Street - Winterport, Maine
(Serving Early Riser, a Sumatra Vienna Roast, as hot coffee )
Lincolnville General Store - http://www.lincolnvillegeneral.com/
269 Main Street - Lincolnville, Maine
(Serving Brimstone Blend and many others depending on the day.)
Wild Cow Creamery - https://www.wildcowcreamery.com/
31 Front Street - Belfast, Maine 04915
(Serving hot coffee as well as Cold-Brew Nitro on Tap!)
Marsh River Coop - https://www.marshrivercoop.org/
5 Veterans Hwy - Brooks, Maine
(Serving Cold-Brew Nitro on Tap!)
Treworgy Family Orchards - https://www.treworgyorchards.com/
3876 Union St. - Levant, Maine
(Serving hot coffee.)
Portland Food Co-op - https://www.portlandfood.coop/
290 Congress St. - Portland, ME 04101
(Serving our Cold Brew Nitro coffee.)
Erickson's Ice Cream & Coffee - https://www.facebook.com/ericksonshardware04444/
13 Main Rd. North - Hampden, Maine
(Serving our Cold Brew Nitro coffee.)
Searsport Shores Oceanfront Camping - https://maineoceancamping.com/
216 W. Main St. - Searsport, Maine
(Serving our Cold Brew Nitro coffee.)
On the Vine - https://onthevinemarketplace.com
591 US Route 1, Scarborough, Maine 04074
(Serving our Cold Brew Nitro coffee.)
On the Vine - https://onthevinemarketplace.com
75 Portsmouth Ave Exeter, New Hampshire 03833
(Serving our Cold Brew Nitro coffee.)
- Find Us @ Farmers' Markets in Maine -
Orono Farmers' Market - http://snakeroot.net/orono/
Pats Pizza Parking Lot - Saturday 9-Noon
(Selling bags of coffee, hot coffee, and cold-brewed NITRO coffee)
Bangor Farmers' Market - http://bangorfarmersmarket.org/
Every Sunday from 11 AM - 1:30 PM across from the Bangor Public Library.
(Selling bags of coffee, hot coffee, and cold-brewed NITRO coffee)
Hampden Farmers' Market - http://www.hampdenfarmersmarket.com/
Kiwanis Hall - Every Friday 3-5:30
(Selling bags of coffee and hot coffee.)
United Farmers' Market of Maine - https://www.belfastmarket.com/
18 Spring Street - Belfast, Maine - Saturday 9am - 2pm
(Indoor ... year round - selling bags of coffee, hot coffee, and cold-brewed NITRO Coffee)