About Us
Farm House Coffee Roasters is a certified organic micro-roastery located in Winterport, Maine. We believe in roasting only the best quality organic coffee, supporting our coffee farmers and their communities, and protecting our environment. We roast in small batches to bring you the best product possible and we thank you for choosing our coffee.

February - It is our Anniversary
As our tradition … here is a discount code for 9% off (website wide) to celebrate our 9-year anniversary! It is good for 1 use per household … and expires March 15th. Can’t believe it has been 9 years already. I am blessed to say I still love it like I did day 1. We are beyond fortunate to have you all along for the ride & I can’t express how much your continued support means to me & Farm House. You’re the best!
The code is anniversary
* On any orders that don’t have codes used between Feb 1st till March 15th, we will donate that 9% to our local Little League for field maintenance ... and to our local Middle School Baseball & Softball
teams for much needed scoreboards *
Hope you and yours are well. Thanks for your continued support, and as always - You’re the best!😊 - Andrew

Emma Emily Stewart Tim Andrew
Sales Rep Sales Sales Rep Right Hand Man Owner / Roaster
& Marketing (Works at the Roastery)